Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I will forget you one day

The days of million emotions we shared

Discussing things of which we were scared

I will forget all these one day

Like the day fading into its dusk

Our promises will fade away into the

relations and more people between us

Will make us shout to hear each other

Where once we heard each other`s heartbeat

Even when we were miles apart

Impatience of the infancy will grow up

Even if we never wanted it to happen

Life will go so busy for us

Leaving us less time to turn back

And thus our past will fade away

Into mere dusted old tales of life

The same past were we celebrated our relationship

Like a new beginning till the very end of our life
As the melting glaciers of the poles

It will be very slow,but still melting

Just like the way we came close

I will forget you one day

Place you in my shelves of past

Which I rarely or never go through

I will forget you one day

Just like the way we met that day


1 comment:

  1. Adored for the simplicity.
    Adored for the innocence between those lines.

    Everyone relate these lines to them, their relationships, shattered.

    Melt, melt, and melt completely, so as to survive.
    Memories shall fade.
